There are many different types of channel letter signs. These signs come in a wide range of fonts and colors, and can be customized to fit your brand’s image. They’re popular for storefronts, strip malls, and offices. They are also easy to maintain and cost less to operate than other kinds of signage. The lighting can be LED which is energy efficient and less expensive to run compared to neon lighting. LED bulbs also last longer than other types of lights and require minimal maintenance. They are made of durable materials like aluminum, which withstands the elements well. They can withstand hot and cold temperatures, snow, and rain. Moreover, they can be fabricated to suit your specific business needs.
Front-lit channel letters are the most common type of sign. These signs are illuminated from the front, and the lighting color can be changed to match your company’s brand colors. They also feature aluminum returns and trim caps. Whether it’s your storefront, office building or corporate headquarters, illuminated channel letter signs add an attractive and unique flare to your business. This type of sign is a great choice for businesses of all types because it can be customized to fit your brand’s identity and messaging. Typically, front-lit channel letters are made from rust-proof aluminum and have transparent faces that can be designed with any shape or size. They can also feature an LED illumination. Also known as reverse or halo channel letters, these types of signs cast their light towards the wall behind them for a unique glow. This design works well on lighter-colored buildings.
Halo channel letter are an excellent choice for businesses that want their signs to grab attention and serve as a magnet for potential customers. They are durable, easy to maintain and create a brilliant glow that will make your business stand out among the competition. They illuminate from behind with a color halo that contrasts with the face. Many halo-lit channel letter signs use dual film to achieve specific colors/hues during the day and white illumination at night. This allows for maximum visibility and makes them a great choice for businesses of all types. As a result, Channel letter signs are a great way to highlight your business and attract customers. Superior signs can help you choose a sign that fits your business best to make a strong impression on passersbys.